Fighting Back Against Toyota’s Deception

Imagine buying the Toyota Mirage, thinking it’s a premium, eco-friendly car. Instead, it makes loud, unfixable noises and your hydrogen fuel card gets cut off without warning. This is what happened to my client Maria, who pays $766 a month for a car she can’t even use.

Leticia’s situation is even worse. She can’t afford the high cost of hydrogen fuel for her Mirage. It now sits unused while she makes $600 monthly payments. Toyota’s promises of cheaper fuel and working stations never came true. Leticia was tricked into paying $290 per fill-up (compared to $60 for her used gas car). With many hydrogen stations closed, she had to drive long distances just to find fuel. Leticia owes over $36,000 on her Mirai, but if she tries to trade it in, she would only get $8,000!

This unfair situation has happened to many of my Toyota Mirage clients.

Toyota claimed the Mirage could go 400 miles on a tank, but most drivers get only 200 miles. Toyota has also kept a tight grip on the hydrogen market, blocking other suppliers from selling fuel. Worse, despite being marketed as an eco-friendly option, hydrogen production for cars can be worse for the environment than traditional fuels.

Toyota must be held accountable for these lies. My goal is to get justice for all Mirage owners.

has your

Toyota Mirai

let you down?

Join other Mirai owners in seeking justice.
If your car has defects or issues with hydrogen filling stations, you deserve compensation.

Let's fight together.

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